Variables and Commands


HUD Notices:
  • hud_notices : The maximum number of notices that can be displayed at a time. [default = 5]
  • hud_notices_filter : Removes most of the notices to keep only the important ones. Set to "2" to remove even more notices and keep only the ones that give information that isn't already somewhere else on the HUD (on the team panel or the scientist number). [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2
  • hud_notices_colors : Enables the coloration of important notices [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_notices_color_defense : Color of the defense related notices (in hexa ARGB). [default = 0x00FF1010]
  • hud_notices_color_attack : Color of the offense related notices (in hexa ARGB). [default = 0x002020FF]
HUD Team Panel:
  • hud_teampanel : Displays a list of your teammates with their locations. White background color means the player is carrying a scientist. Yellow = carrying a resource. Grey = just dropped a scientist or a resource. Red = just died. Blue = just killed an enemy carrying a scientist. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_teampanel_posx : Horizontal position of the team panel (in pixels from the left). [default = 137]
  • hud_teampanel_posy : Vertical position of the team panel (in pixels from the top). [default = 11]
  • hud_teampanel_transparency : Transparency of the team panel background. 0.0 = solid, 1.0 = fully transparent. [default = 0.5, possibilities = 0.0 to 1.0]
  • hud_teampanel_colormodels : Highlights players with the Butch or Yvan models in team color. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
HUD Speed-o-meter:
  • hud_speedometer_text : Displays current speed, max speed, and speed / max speed percentage values on the HUD. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_speedometer_text_x : Horizontal position of the speed-o-meter text (in pixels from the left). [default = 11]
  • hud_speedometer_text_y : Vertical position of the speed-o-meter text (in pixels from the bottom). [default = 140]
  • hud_speedometer_bar : Displays speed / max speed percentage in a graphic bar on the HUD. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_x : Horizontal position of the speed-o-meter bar (in pixels from the left). [default = 11]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_y : Vertical position of the speed-o-meter bar (in pixels from the bottom). [default = 140]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_width : Maximum width of the speed-o-meter (in pixels). [default = 600]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_height : Height of the speed-o-meter (in pixels). [default = 12]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_maxpercent : Speed percent reached when the bar is full. [default = 900]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_drawborders : Displays the bar borders. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_drawlimits : Displays the different speed limits (100%, 140%, 180%, 220%). [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_speedometer_bar_color : 0 = white bar. 1 = colored bar with the color changing depending on the speed. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
HUD Messages:
  • hud_saytext : Displays chat messages. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_saytext_teamonly : Only displays messages from your teammates. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_saytext_allow_colors : Allows the coloration of messages, this is done using the ^ character followed by a number between 0 and 8. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_saytext_time : Defines how long messages stay on the HUD. [default = 5]
  • hud_ignore_loc_text : Ignores messages that contain a "%loc" completely. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
HUD Command Vote:
  • hud_vote : Displays the command vote HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_vote_x : Horizontal position of the command vote HUD (in pixels from the left). [default = 11]
  • hud_vote_y : Vertical position of the command vote HUD (in pixels from the top). [default = 140]
HUD Weapon Menu:
  • hud_weaponmenu_x : Horizontal position of the weapon selection menu (in pixels from the left). [default = 150]
  • hud_weaponmenu_y : Vertical position of the weapon selection menu (in pixels from the top). [default = 11]
  • hud_weaponmenu_hides_teampanel : Hides the team panel when the weapon menu is displayed. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
HUD Weapon Slots:
  • cl_weapon_briefcase_slot... : You can define your own weapon slots, positions and weights by editing the weapons.cfg file.
HUD Miscellaneous:
  • hud_show_id : Displays player and scientist identifications on the screen. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_id_offset : Vertical position of the id (in pixels from the middle). [default = 10]
  • hud_showendgame : Displays the VGUI endgame screen instead of only displaying the scoreboard at the end of a game. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_fastswitch : Weapons that are single in a weapon slot are selected with only one keypress. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_takesshots : Automatically takes a screenshot at the end of a game. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_draw : Displays the HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_carry_icon : Displays the carried scientist icon. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_carry_names : Displays the carried scientist name. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_statushud : Displays the status HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_researchhud : Displays the research HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_personalhud : Displays the personal HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_show_cloning : Displays the cloning HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_drawhistory_time : Defines how long kill notices stay on screen. [default = 6]
  • hud_show_ammohistory : 1 = draws sprites of the weapons you pick up, 2 = draws weapons and ammo sprites. [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2]
  • hud_gamemode : Displays the name of the game mode. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_gamemode_y : Vertical position of the game mode HUD (in pixels from the top). [default = 100]
Announcer Voice:
  • cl_announcer : Enables announcer voice sounds. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_research : Plays a voice sound everytime a technology is done being researched: "[technology] researched". [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_endgame : Plays a voice sound at the end of the game. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_scirecruit : Plays a voice sound when a scientist is recruited. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_scimissing : Plays a voice sound when a scientist is missing from the laboratories. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_countdown : Plays a voice sound counting down to 0 when a match starts, or between rounds in LCS. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_announcer_volume : Volume of the announcer. [default = 1, possibilities = 0.0 to 1.0]
Map Overview:
  • hud_overview : Displays a small overview of the map in the top left corner of the HUD. Disabling this can improve the FPS. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_overview_rotates : Makes the small overview rotate to follow the player's view angle. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_overview_full_hides_teampanel : Hides the team panel when the fullscreen overview is displayed. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_overview_full_names : Displays players' names on the fullscreen overview. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
Speed Capture:
  • hud_speedcap : Displays the speed capture HUD. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_speedcap_x : Horizontal position of the speed capture HUD (in pixels from the left). [default = 11]
  • hud_speedcap_y : Vertical position of the speed capture HUD (in pixels from the bottom). [default = 200]
  • hud_speedcap_best_demos_only : Deletes demos automatically recorded in Speed Capture mode if they do not beat your best time. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
Explosion Effects:
  • cl_explosion_detail : Sets how detailed the explosion effects should be. 0 = no effects, 1 = standard HL style explosions, 2 = "enhanced" S&I explosions (flaming debris, shockwaves, etc.). [default = 2, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2]
  • cl_explosion_sprites : Displays explosion sprites. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_alternate_sprite : Uses an alternative clear explosion sprite. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_sparks : Displays explosion sparks. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_sounds : Plays explosion sounds. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_scorch : Displays explosion scorch marks. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_smoke : Displays explosion smoke. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_shockwaves : Displays explosion shockwaves. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_debris : Displays explosion debris. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_debris_detail : Debris detail. 0.0 = no smoke. 1.0 = lots of smoke. [default = 0.5, possibilities = 0.0 to 1.0]
  • cl_explosion_dynamiclight : Displays explosions' dynamic lights. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_explosion_bubbles : Displays bubbles for underwater explosions. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
EMP Effects:
  • cl_effects_empballs : Displays EMP cannon ball sprites effect. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_empspark : Display sparks on a primary EMP fire hit. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_empglow : Displays a glow effect on a primary EMP fire hit. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_empbrokenbits : Displays broken EMP bits on a cannister detonation. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_empwave : Displays a wave on an EMP cannister detonation. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_emplightning : Displays a lightning effect on an EMP cannister detonation. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
Glow Effect:
  • glow_blur_steps : Enables a glow effect. The higher the value the more passes are applied, a good setting is 4. This effect *heavily* reduces the number of frames per second, especially without a high-end video card. [default = 0]
  • glow_darken_steps : Used to tweak the glow effect. [default = 3]
  • glow_strength : Used to tweak the glow effect. [default = 2]
Other Effects:
  • cl_effects_muzzleflash_dynamiclight : Displays world dynamic lights with muzzle flashes. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_muzzleflash : Displays model dynamic lights with muzzle flashes. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_tracers : Display Akimbo snUzis' tracer effect. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_shelleject : Displays ejected shells. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_gaussballs : Displays Tau Cannon ball effects. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_gaussglow : Displays Tau Cannon glow effect. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_hijump_wave : Displays a wave effect when performing a high Super Jump. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_hijump_wave : Displays a wave effect when performing a high Super Jump. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_effects_fev_cloud_density : Flesh Eating Virus cloud detail. 0.0 = no smoke. 1.0 = lots of smoke. [default = 0.4, possibilities = 0.0 to 1.0]
  • cl_effects_gibcount : Defines the number of gibs to create when a player is gibbed. [default = 5]
  • cl_effects_giblife : Defines how long gibs stay around (in seconds). [default = 20]
  • cl_effects_scibulb : Displays an efficiency light bulb above scientists when holding either the mindray or a radio. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • r_detailtextures : Enables detail textures if the video card supports them and the map features them. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
Research Vote Menu:
  • cl_votemenu_popup : Makes the vote menu pop up as soon as the voting period begins. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_votemenu_capturemouse : Makes the vote menu capture the mouse. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_votemenu_quickvote : Makes the number keys cast the vote for a research, instead of just displaying the research info. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_votemenu_shortresearchinfo : Uses short research descriptions. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_votemenu_lightmode : Makes only the vote buttons appear. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_location_indicator : Displays the current location on the HUD. If set above 1: also displays a sprite at every location found in this radius, useful for mappers to add locations to their maps. [default = 0]
  • hud_location_refreshrate : Refresh rate of the location indicator in seconds. [default = 1.5]
  • hud_saytext_locations : Translates %loc into the actual location. If set to 2: attaches the location to the text of each teammate. [default = 1, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2]
Player Models:
  • cl_models_bright : Brightens player models so they can be seen more easily. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_models_bright_notteammates : Disables teammates from being brightened. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_models_bright_notdeadbodies : Disables dead bodies from being brightened. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_models_afd : Makes the same player model be used for all AFD employees. 1 = Vinnie. 2 = Butch. 3 = Low polygon Vinnie. 4 = Low polygon Butch. [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4]
  • cl_models_mcl : Makes the same player model be used for all MCL employees. 1 = Charlie. 2 = Yvan. [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2]
  • cl_models_hide_deadbodies : Hides dead bodies [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
Miscellaneous Variables:
  • cl_tutorial : Displays hint pop-ups. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_team_crosshairs : Displays team colored crosshairs. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_allowthirdperson : Toggles third-person camera behaviour. 0 = disabled. 1 = enabled for the Briefcase. 2 = enabled for Cloaking Device. 3 = enabled for both. [default = 3, possibilities = 0, 1, 2 or 3]
  • cl_weapon_pickup_autoswitch : If the weapon you pick up has a bigger weight than your current weapon, you will automatically switch. 0 = disabled. 1 = enabled [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_photoshoot : Takes a screenshot every x seconds, where x is the value of the variable. [default = 0]
  • zoom_sensitivity_ratio : Defines how much sensitivity is reduced when in zoom mode. [default = 1.2]
  • default_fov : Player's FOV. Enforced above 90 before Ocular Implants are researched. [default = 90]
  • hud_capturemouse : Makes the command menu capture the mouse. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_quickspawn : Zips through the intro menus, using auto-assign for the company and picking the model given (1 = Charlie/Vinnie, 2 = Yvan/Butch, 3 = Random). [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1, 2 or 3]
  • cl_superjump_crouchjump : Enables the crouch + jump key combo to perform a super jump. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • cl_autorecord : Records a demo automatically when joining a game, under the name "date-time-map.dem" (eg 2004_06_02-22_14_47-si_laser.dem). [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • hud_sprite_numbers_alpha : Forces number sprites on the HUD to use a given transparency level. 0 = disabled, 1 = fully transparent, 255 = solid. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 to 255]
  • cl_lw : Enables client side weapon effects. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • callvote [command] [parameter] : Starts a command vote.
  • yes : Votes yes.
  • no : Votes no.
  • +showmap : Displays a fullscreen overview of the map.
  • togglemap : Toggles the display of the fullscreen overview of the map.
  • vote : Brings up the research vote menu.
  • changeteam : Brings up the company selection menu.
  • changemodel : Brings up the model selection menu.
  • setteam <team> : Makes you switch to the given company (1 = MCL, 2 = AFD, 3 = Auto-assign).
  • setmodel <model> : Makes you switch to the given model (1 = Charlie/Vinnie, 2 = Yvan/Butch, 3 = Random).
  • addloc <name> : Adds the location you're at (x y z) with the name you typed to the map .loc file.
  • remloc : Removes the closest location from the map .loc file.
  • +normaljump : Performs a normal jump even if you have the Super Jump upgrade.
  • zoom : Switches between zoom mode and normal mode. Only works when Ocular Implants are researched.
  • +zoom : Switches to zoom mode. Only works when Ocular Implants are researched.
  • zoomin : Reduces the FOV by 10. Only works when Ocular Implants are researched.
  • zoomout : Increases the FOV by 10. Only works when Ocular Implants are researched.
  • sirecord : Starts recording a demo to the file "date-time-map.dem" (eg 2004_06_02-22_14_47-si_laser.dem).
Message Tokens:
  • %H : Your health.
  • %A : Your armor.
  • %loc : Your location.
  • /me <text> : Action text.
  • ^0 : Colors the rest of your text in white.
  • ^1 : Colors the rest of your text in red.
  • ^2 : Colors the rest of your text in green.
  • ^3 : Colors the rest of your text in yellow.
  • ^4 : Colors the rest of your text in blue.
  • ^5 : Colors the rest of your text in cyan.
  • ^6 : Colors the rest of your text in purple.
  • ^7 : Colors the rest of your text in grey.
  • ^8 : Colors the rest of your text in your team's color.

  • si_lcs : Enables Last Company Standing (LCS) game mode. This is a round-based mode where dead players spectate until all the players of one company are dead, then a new round starts. Warning: if there are more players than spawn points on the map, some players will be telefragged at each round start. Should only be used as a fun mode on a server with a low max player setting (eg: 6 player server). [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_jumpmode : Enables jumping game mode. In this mode players go through each other and can not hurt each other. Best suited for movement practice or special jump maps. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_speedcapture : Enables Speed Capture game mode. In this mode players always spawn from the same spawn point and must capture a scientist as fast as possible. The "startmatch" command starts a run. Demos are automatically recorded and by default only kept if you beat your best time. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_rp_midair : Enables Rocket Pistol Midair game mode. In this mode players only spawn with the Rocket Pistol and deal damage only if the rocket hits a player while he's not on the ground. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_headshot : Headshot damage multiplier. [default = 2]
  • mp_friendlyfire : Enables friendly fire. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • mp_falldamage : Enables realistic fall damage. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • mp_weaponstay : Lowers weapon respawn delays. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_spawn_invulnerability : Amount of time in seconds newly spawned players are invulnerable. [default = 6]
  • si_intermissiontime : The length of the intermission time after a game is finished and before the level is changed. [default = 10]
  • si_prematchtime : Amount of time in seconds before employees are able to grab a scientist or a ressource. [default = 75]
  • si_spawnequipped : Players spawn equipped with all researched weapons and full ammo. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_clanmatch : Used to help set up matches. When enabled, teams are not enforced (players are allowed to join the company with most players), player stats are retained for a short period of time after players disconnect from the server. If set to 2, the game will automatically be reseted once the pre-match time is over. If set to 3, the pre-match warm up is done with everything researched. [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1, 2 or 3]
  • si_nobcthirdperson : Third person camera is disabled when using the Briefcase. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_forceteam : Players are not allowed to join the company with most players. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • mp_timelimit : Duration of a game in minutes. The server changes map and starts a new game at the end of the time limit. [default = 30]
  • mp_cashlimit : The game ends if one of the companies reaches this amount of money (set to 0 to disable). [default = 0]
  • si_lcs_rounds : If Last Company Standing (LCS) game mode is used, the game ends when one of the companies reaches this number of round wins (set to 0 to disable). [default = 0]
  • si_research_speed : Research speed multiplier. [default = 1]
  • si_research_start : Research minutes offered to both companies at the start of the game. [default = 4]
  • si_researchendgame : Ends the game when one company researches everything. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_researchpaused : Pause all company production. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_researchall : Games start with all technologies already researched. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_c4briefcase : Enable the C4 Briefcase research. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_disabletechs1 : Disables any set of technology. Add the following values to disable the technologies you want. [default = 0]
    • 1 - Armor I
    • 2 - Armor II
    • 4 - Armor Regen I
    • 8 - Armor III
    • 16 - Armor Regen II
    • 32 - Armor IV
    • 64 - Regenerative Biotechnology I
    • 128 - Regenerative Biotechnology II
    • 256 - Legs I
    • 512 - Ammo Replicator I
    • 1024 - Bionic Implants
    • 2048 - Super Jump
    • 4096 - Ocular Implants
    • 8192 - Legs II
    • 16384 - Ammo Replicator II
    • 32768 - Exoskeleton Implants
    • 65536 - Shotgun
    • 131072 - Tommygun
    • 262144 - Akimbo Uzis
    • 524288 - Grenade
    • 1048576 - Flesh Eating Virus
  • si_disabletechs2 : Disables any set of technology. Add the following values to disable the technologies you want. [default = 0]
    • 1 - Crossbow
    • 2 - Rocket Pistol
    • 4 - Tau Cannon
    • 8 - C4 Briefcase
    • 16 - Radio
    • 32 - Cloak
    • 64 - Mindray
    • 128 - EMP Cannon
    • 256 - GI
    • 512 - Satchel
    • 1024 - Tripmine
    • 2048 - Coffee Upgrade
    • 4096 - Manufacturing Upgrade
    • 8192 - Cloning Upgrade
Team Balance:
  • si_balanceteams : Enables a team balancing algorithm that affects players' speed and damage. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_maxbalanceteams : Defines a limit to the si_balanceteams effect. [default = 3]
  • si_balanceweight_players : Defines how much player number difference matters in the si_balanceteams effect. [default = 0.150]
  • si_balanceweight_scientists : Defines how much scientist number difference matters in the si_balanceteams effect. [default = 0.060]
  • si_balanceweight_research : Defines how much research gap matters in the si_balanceteams effect. [default = 0.070]
  • si_balanceweight_cash : Defines how much the cash gap matters in the si_balanceteams effect. [default = 0.015]
Llama Control:
  • si_llamafilter : SI censorhip system with variable settings of severity. 0 = no llamafilter. 1 = normal. 2 = some content control. 3 = extreme content control. [default = 1, possibilities = 0, 1, 2 or 3]
  • si_mutellamas : Sets the minimum level of llama-ness required before llama players will be muted. 0 = Disables. 1.0 = llama-class players will be muted. 2.0 = only players who are really bad llamas will be muted. [default = 2.0]
  • si_llamastatus : Sets the number of llama points required to get the llama status. [default = 1.0]
  • si_llamaseverity : Defines how severe llama points are given away. [default = 1.0]
Command Voting:
  • si_voting_allowed : Enables players on the server to start a vote for a server setting or command. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_voting_time : Sets how many seconds a vote can last. [default = 20]
  • si_voting_success_ratio : Sets how many "yes" votes are needed for a vote to pass. If set to 0.5 for example, more than half the players on the server must vote "yes" for the vote to succeed. [default = 0.5, possibilities = 0.0 to 0.99]
  • si_voting_file : Sets the name of the file to look into for the list of commands and settings that can be voted for by the players. [default = allowed_vote_commands.cfg]
  • si_voting_usemapvotelist : Sets the name of the file to look into for the list of maps that can be voted for by the players. Set to 0 to allow voting for all maps. [default = 0]
Miscellaneous Variables:
  • si_mapcfgexec : If the [mapname].cfg file is present on the server, it is executed after server.cfg when a new map starts. If the variable is set to a number above 1, it is the [mapname][number].cfg file that is executed. [default = 1]
  • si_logcash : Logs each company's cash amount every x seconds. [default = 60]
  • mp_allowspectators : If set to 0, prevents players from being spectators. [default = 1, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • mp_mutespectators : Mutes spectators. [default = 0, possibilities = 0 or 1]
  • si_bcmatch : Special briefcase duel modes. 1 = players spawn with the briefcase, the gauss (without the ability to hurt players), the mindray and the GI. 2 = strict briefcase mode, players only have the briefcase. [default = 0, possibilities = 0, 1 or 2]
  • si_tripminelimit : The maximum number of tripmines each player can plant at a given time. [default = 2]
  • si_satchellimit : Maximum number of satchels each player can throw at a given time. [default = 3]
  • startmatch : Resets the game after a countdown of 10 seconds.
  • nextlevel <map> : Decides which map to load once the current game is done.
  • switchteam <playername> : Switches the given player to the other company.
  • randomteams : Makes random teams.
  • mode <gamemodename> : Executes "gamemodes/[gamemodename].cfg". This can be used to set many variables at once to enable a pre-defined game mode.